+100 Teachers should communicate with each other when they are having tests so you don't have 6 tests in one day, amirite?

by Anonymous 10 years ago

There's too many teachers for that to be possible.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

In individual schools?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Yes, assuming there's more than 5-20 teachers. Every core class I have ever been in assigned tests either weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly. Let's assume each teacher only assigns one test a month. Chances are your school has more than 20 teachers, so tests are going to coincide. Since there are multiple teachers for one subject and each student has a different schedule, this is impossible to avoid. Tests happen when it's appropriate for the material, not for the student. It would be stupid to be learning about circles in math and instead of taking a test on circles before you moved onto squares, you learned about squares for a few days before testing on circles just to fit the student's schedules. If this happened, people would be bitching the material isn't recent enough and they forgot a lot of stuff about circles cuz they were learning about squares. I read my class notes from the day before every day. Then I read the section in the book/online and take notes. I bring those notes to class and highlight what the teacher goes over and write down anything I don't already have. The next day, I read those notes. I do this every day and eliminate the need to study a lot for tests s...

by Anonymous 11 years ago

o it doesn't bother me when we have tests because I'm always prepared for them. That was pretty much irrelevant I just wanted to give people ideas on how to make school easier.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

it's just annoying having to study for multiple tests for one day and I always feel unprepared when I have more than one test in a day.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Each class could have a test board and each subject teacher could be given a magnet to reserve a day for that subject's test.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

College is a little bit better. I have five essays due the week after Thanksgiving, but never five tests on the same day.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

yeah and they tell you all the work you'll have from the first day of class I have 3 papers due early December and I'm done with all of them I'm the opposite of a procrastinator I do things at the first minute

by Anonymous 10 years ago

It's good life experience. Sometimes you get all your bills due at once. You can't just tell your credit card company to contact your cell provider and utility company and tell them to work something out so your bills aren't all due on the same day. That's not how life works. You get dealt a shit hand and you have to deal with it like everyone else.

by Anonymous 10 years ago