+358 When somebody says, "I hated the Hunger Games", the correct response is, "So did they", Amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I watched the movie yesterday...man the opening of the games where most are dashing for the supplies is BRUTAL. Eugh. Very well done though... I really hope people don't respond to this with one of those "the books are way better" rants. Books and films should be viewed separately. If you thought the film was rubbish, tell me why it was a bad film, don't just tell me how it was different from the book. Artistic licence will trump you on that one. It's fine to prefer the book version over the film version, but don't try and categorically tell anyone that it's definitely better...I know it makes you feel smart to appreciate a book over a film, but it doesn't make you any smarter. OP - great post. Forgive my pre-emptive rant against smarmy "books are better" rats. :-)

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I enjoyed the books and the movie and agree with you completely that they should be treated as two separate entities. As well as being a big reader, I love computer games and the same criticism is thrown at movie versions of games: "It was a terrible film because it was nothing like the game". What works in game form (and in book form) wouldn't necessarily work as a movie. As part of an interview for my second games industry job I did a tongue-in-cheek pitch which demonstrated why a movie which stayed true to games would suck (my movie was inspired by an RPG game I'd played, was 99 hours long, featured numerous pointless fetch and carry mission scenes and partway through the movie you had to wait for five minutes for the next scene to appear: "LOADING - PLEASE WAIT"). Love the original post. :)

by Anonymous 11 years ago

OMG that's hilarious! What was the RPG, all the fetch and carry makes me think it's something like Diablo II, where you had to keep going back to sell shit or put stuff in your treasure chest, haha, as well as stock up on potions and "return home" scrolls

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Well, there were elements of Diablo thrown into it but it was primarily RuneScape. RuneScape features lots of exciting skills such as Firemaking, Cooking and Wood Cutting, which I'm sure would translate great to the big screen. ;)

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Yes....enthralling stuff.........zzzzzzzzz

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Why did this just get on the homepage again?

by Anonymous 11 years ago