+66 People these days live with too much of a victim mentality. For instance I was watching Intervention today and the girl said she got addicted to drugs because her dad left her mom and pretty much abandoned his family. No you got addicted to drugs because you made a bad decision, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

BUT, in a case like that, it doesn't hurt to at least acknowledge that and take it into account. The problem with the way the girl mentioned it was that she blamed her dad. It's not her dad's fault, but it's also not totally her fault that this bad thing (the abandonment) had to happen. Does that make sense?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Basically what Cocaia said. When you have mental issues such as depression, anxiety, or any other wide variation of mental disorders, it's easy to turn to drugs or alcohol to self-medicate. A traumatizing experience can cause an intense feeling of depression or anxiety, even if the person in question had never had a problem with it before. The reason this girl got addicted to drugs isn't completely because her dad left her, and it isn't completely because of her bad decision. It's because she didn't get the mental help she needed when she needed it. I blame the way society doesn't treat mental issues as serious problems, it leads to people thinking they can just "get over it" by themselves.

by Anonymous 11 years ago