+61 Someone should invent a tool where humans can talk to animals. Maybe we would finally be able to ask the cockroaches if they've ever noticed any of their family missing. Amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Apparently, they get depressed when they're alone and have no friends. I don't really know if that's true though, I read it off one of those "I fucking love science" facebook pages.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

http://www.environmentalgraffiti.com/biology/news-how-cockroach-hangouts-are-chosen-0 I didn't know cockroaches were so interesting. Maybe because I squish them on sight...

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I'm sorry, I can't read that. I am so scared of bugs I would be surprised if I was literally phobic. I opened it and my heart started pounding in my chest and still is, that's how bad it is.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Ohh. Well, it basically says that ,"Cockroaches by nature are herd dwellers. They don’t like isolation." and, "Cockroaches make their decision collectively and unilaterally. They are egalitarian by nature and don’t have a leader. Cockroaches are agreeable and socially disposed to making the popular vote."

by Anonymous 11 years ago