+119 You hate it when you do something embarrassing in a friend or family member's house, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Yeah for example falling down your friends staircase and making a huge boom and waking everyone up and theme hurrying to see what's the matter. Yeah. Embarrassing.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

One time my friend and I were practicing stage combat at her house. We were practicing throws, where it looks like the other person throws you but you're actually throwing yourself. I threw myself into their basement wall and left a lovely back-shaped dent. We tried to cover it up with a vacuum >.>' We can laugh about it now but at the time we thought we were going to die.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I hate doing anything embarrassing... Especially, since I blush like an erythromaniac! (Went to insert blushing emoticon here, but there isn't one anymore! Or was there never one to begin with and I'm just going crazy? swt )

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Don't understand what the big deal is really, everyone does embarrassing shit, just have to get over it.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Cool story

by Anonymous 11 years ago