+73 It's pretty depressing to think that humans could be the only intelligent life forms in a constantly expanding universe, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

It is more depressing to think that there are humans who actually think you are the only intelligent species on this planet

by Anonymous 11 years ago

What you say is true, but i was trying to go for the loneliness factor; the only intelligent life exists on one planet in an ever expanding universe. Probably couldve worded the post better.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

ok - I agree that would be depressing

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Still, we don't have FTL anything, so our radio waves have traveled at most 70 light years out (we've had radio tech for 70 years, and purposeful space broadcasting for even less). Our galaxy alone is 100,000 ly in diameter, and the observable universe, not even the whole universe is 28,000,000,000 ly in 3D diameter. Coming to that conclusion is like taking a cup of water out of the ocean, scrutinising it, and writing that whales are extinct. There's a video on youtube video with Neil DeGrasse Tyson and some biologist that helped me put that into words.

by Anonymous 11 years ago