-16 You can at least understand why people believe what they do in terms of religion, whether they believe in something or nothing. But you will never understand devil worshippers, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I understand what you were trying to say, but the two sentences contradict each other.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Haha yeah.. I feel dumb. You get my point though

by Anonymous 11 years ago

The church of Satan believes in a lot of what I believe.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

That's not devil worship though, in fact the Church of Satan rejects belief in any supernatural entity such as God or the devil.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

No actually, the Church of Satan worships the Devil because he embodies human characteristics. The church itself neither believes of disbelieves in the supernatural, it's up to the individual.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

My understanding is that the Church of Satan distances itself from Theistic Satanists on the grounds that they are not truly Satanists and that it doesn't make sense to worship supernatural entities. They believe that one is their own god and follow principles of Satan, but Satan is more of a force than a deity. But then again, I'm just looking at Wikipedia.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

They don't worship the satan described in the bible. Satan is the embodiment of human characteristics. The things described as sin in the bible is ok with them, it's not a battle between good and evil and humans being sinners, the so called sins are just human characteristics. So called satan worshipers don't worship the evil of satan in the bible, they worship the earth and humans. Churchofsatan.com

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Yeah, I don't know anything about the church of satan so I trust that you're right. That's not the kind of people I'm talking about exactly. I'm talking about people who believe in the devil of the bible and worship evil.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

They believe humans are god since we invinted him basically. The interpretation of that is up to the individual. I e met satanists who do believe in a god and that they embody him. The site I gave you is a basic over view, not all satanists believe All of that, just like not all Christiana believe everything in their bible, like being gay is a son. The basic principle is still the same, but some do believe in a god but they chose to side with the devil be quad he is them and they don't think a god who makes then fight against their nature is a good god so why worship him and some don't believe in a god or satan but that satan is a representation of ourselves and that he isn't evil.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Dammit. Not embody god. I meant embody his counter part. Fuck trying to be logical when you're tired.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I was going to make a post like this. They acknowledge that there is a powerful and almighty being (God), but decide to go against Him.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Perhaps they don't believe he is fair. There are many reasons to worship the devil, and I think that if someone uses their belief to strengthen their integrity and establish respectable moral boundaries for themselves, then it's a good thing

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Yes! That's my point. Thank you.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Well, I'm currently mostly atheist, but if I believed in god I think I would be a Satanist. I would have to do a lot more research, though, research I have not already done because I //don't// believe so there's no point. But at least I understand them; the little I know of their views makes sense to me.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

What views of theirs make sense to you? (serious question)

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I'm assuming you mean "I'm going to worship the guy who's going to torture the shit out of me for all eternity after I die" makes no sense. If you're going to worship someone, it shouldn't be a being that acts like he hates you. I don't know what actual devil worshipers do, but that's what it sounds like. Someone enlighten me please.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I'm a Christian, but from what I understand, it goes like this: they don't want to worship God because of His rules. They don't see them as fair and they don't like the whole Christian process. So they join the devil, who they see as the advocate of free will and rebellion. I heard somewhere that they believe the devil gave free will to humans because of Adam and Eve.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

So in their version, he doesn't burn you after you die? THat I can understand, but I'm still staying Christian...

by Anonymous 11 years ago


by Anonymous 11 years ago

Most Satanists are either young people acting out or the mentally ill.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

That's the way I look at it

by Anonymous 11 years ago

When you say Satanists, are you strictly talking about those that follow the Christian devil, or are you talking about those who delve into darker arts such as black magic for Pagans (called Satanic Pagans even though we don't believe in Satan; from my sources), and well devil worship for Christians?

by Anonymous 10 years ago