+32 There is no age limit to whether or not a person has experienced life, amirite?

by Anonymous 10 years ago

EVERYONE is experiencing life..........but not to the same degree or extent. If you are alive, you are in life. But someone older has been down "the road" further than a younger person. The expression "been around the block a few times" reflects experiences that some have not had yet. Another good one is "this ain't my first rodeo." The longer you live, the more you experience. But age does NOT limit the fact that you are experiencing life.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I agree. But although it is true that the older you are, the more you experience, a lot of youngsters have probably experienced just as much. Perhaps it depends on the life one leads?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I do agree that youngsters do grow up much quicker these days. With technology and all, they probably are exposed to more in a shorter time period than I was. But age has still allowed the older person more opportunities to make more decisions and face things a young person has not. You yourself said at age 12 and because of living at home, you are held back in pursuing friendships. Young people have not had to go out an work for a living, pay bills, maintain vehicles, pay taxes - just to name a few.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I told my Mother I could help pay bills, thanks to money my Dad sent me, and I even said I could get a job... But she refused. I pay a decent amount of taxes, since I do buy things. And if an electronic scooter counts as a vehicle, then yes, you can say I do maintain one. But you have a point. The older someone is, the more they see. Though I still don't think that means the younger population should be called inexperienced idiots who will do nothing for the world, as someone once said.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

The older saying for years in this country was "children should be seen and not heard." Of course that is nonsense. But the youth of this country have more power than they realize. I have told other teens on here that it is all about organizing and making your voices heard. If you bombard the adults with organized well thought out propositions of change, they have to listen. There are many of you out there and the "squeakiest wheel gets the grease." You can hold civil demonstrations in your schools, and impact your world. Teens are starting internet related businesses regularly now and using social media to made a difference. You and others like you can do the same thing.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Well, in today's day and age, it would be far easier to allow the younger population to be heard. And many are doing very well because of it. Besides, it's my dream to speak in front of millions, expressing my opinion and being accepted for it. The only way for that to happen is to act now and not later, right?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

You got it. Laying the ground work and working towards your goal. Social sites are good "sounding boards" to bounce ideas around and get feedback. I love seeing a young person with a vision or dream.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Some do. My brother has been working since he was 9, and there are adults who, as soon as they stepped away from their parents, lived off government benefits and don't work. My friend has a friend who got his girlfriend's body parts sent to him in the mail. I knew a girl who did web can shows since she was 15 with a fake ID so she could support her family. Maintaining a bike can count. Everyone has experience in different areas, and while it's more typical of most adults to have more of certain kids of experiences, that doesn't mean anything. Life experience isn't just paying bills, maintains a vehicle, supporting yourself, or long through horribly sad and depressing shit. It's falling in love, sight seeing, reading your poetry in a shitty coffee shop, getting to know people, etc. just because you've lived longer doesn't mean you've experienced more. You're quite likely to have more work experience, maintaining a vehicle, paying taxes experience. But there's so much more to what the life experience is and there is such a huge variety of people (50 year old who shelters them self at home watching tv with their cat vs. 25 year old who is traveling the world or the country for example, the one who has gone out there and emerged themself in other cultures or takes risks or learns more will be considered to have more life experience) that there's a correlation between how old you are and how much life experience you have (after all, it's not like all old people are boring and all young people are exciting) but it's not causation, it's generalization and it all just depend on the kind of life you live.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Well said..............excuse me while I kiss the sky!

by Anonymous 11 years ago

wait a minute sent body parts in the mail? what kind of body parts? o_o

by Anonymous 11 years ago

The first one he got was her finger with the ring he gave her on it. After that, I don't know.

by Anonymous 11 years ago


by Anonymous 11 years ago

first time I was mentioned in an explanation

by Anonymous 10 years ago

its not when it comes to reality

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Reality? Excuse me, I'm twelve, considered a minority, am a child, and I've experienced just as much 'reality' as any thirty year old man could. You don't exactly have to be a certain age to understand what's happening in the real world, may I say so myself.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

You are getting a bit over generalized now.....since you are female, it would be a bit of a stretch to say you've experienced "just as much" as ANY thirty year old man. You would have to know what every or even the majority of 30 year old men have experienced to make that statement. I am not putting you down at all....just keeping you in check. I always thought you were older until you told me your age.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I realized that after I posted it, I over-exaggerated just a bit. I tend to get angered when people make comments like that, if you haven't already noticed.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

A hot-head always loses an argument. It is not how loudly you say something that matters. It is the quality with which you say it that silences ignorance and stupidity. With your vocabulary and wits, you can run circles around many who are your senior.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I've been working on my anger management to prevent that from happening. It's actually gotten a little better, but still needs some work.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I can't even tell that you have belligerent anger most people who do on here start insulting calling names exchange of vicious words etc. and you definitely don't do that

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I have more control over it, and I try not to be too insulting either. But I can get angered very easily, and it's usually not very pretty when people keep pushing it.

by Anonymous 11 years ago