+1 You always have freedom (in some way shape or form). Amirite?

by Anonymous 10 years ago

if someone thinks of an exception please do share

by Anonymous 10 years ago

also the message I'm trying to get across is that no matter what someone does to you they can't take away every single kind of freedom you have you can still keep some of it whether your oppressor knows it or not

by Anonymous 10 years ago

forgot the commas don't kill me

by Anonymous 10 years ago

I don't know, that's a pretty big offense. I can't promise you anything.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

well you gotta do whatchu gotta do at least make it quick and painless

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Ahh, that is one of the things that I can't promise. If you wanted slow and painful, then we could work something out.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

FINE DEN I'll take what I can get throw in an all you can eat buffet before the deed is done

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Ok, fine! We have a deal. Slow and painful death following an all you can eat buffet coming right up!

by Anonymous 10 years ago

I always get what I want hehe

by Anonymous 10 years ago


by Anonymous 10 years ago


by Anonymous 10 years ago

Not if you're brain dead. Then you have no way of connecting with the outside world at all therefore having no control means you are not free. And if you're brain dead you aren't conscious either. So you're just a meatbag at that point.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

that's like talking about what freedom a dead person has (obviously that person is not dead though so freedom of life?) since we don't know what that's like we don't know what kind of freedom they have but I do think the soul still exists so they have thoughts so freedom of thought I see where you're coming from though but I still stick to my original thought everyone has varying degrees of freedom even if it's not the kind of freedom we want it doesn't mean we don't have it see comments above with Jimi are you gonna say a baby doesn't have freedom because if they're put in a crib they can't get out? their thoughts are pretty limited too their understanding of the world is not much because of their lack of experience also another mystery because we don't know exactly what a baby thinks a newborn can't crawl or do anything they're pretty much trapped in that body but they still have freedom in my opinion I see where you are coming from though

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Your baby analogy has nothing to do with my point. Whereas a brain damaged person or an infant are extremely limited in freedoms, a brain-dead person has none because you have to be conscious in some way to experience freedom right? This is all more of an argument about what freedom really is. I don't believe a brain-dead person has any kind of freedom. I don't really wanna argue about the existance of a soul or not because it is an unwinnable argument. But a brain-dead person has no thoughts, otherwise we would be able to read their brain activity (which is kind of the opposite of being brain dead). As far as your soul thinking and feeling, that's incredibly speculative and suffice to say I won't argue about what a soul can or can't do until we can all agree that souls exist and measure them.

by Anonymous 10 years ago