-3 For every teenager on this site who has told me age has NOTHING to do with experience or decision making, please check this out and think again. Judgment is not fully developed until age 25. Amirite?

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Yeah, but how is that an opinion?

by Anonymous 10 years ago

The opinion is in the FACT that age does have something to do with everything.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

So what is the opinion?

by Anonymous 10 years ago

My opinion is that when a teen gets on to me about saying my age has nothing to do with anything or that my age and communicating with them is not a "generation gap" or "breakdown," that they should not be so quick to get irritated, annoyed, or start bashing me. I had a conversation going last night with someone, and I suggested age had something to do with why we could not connect on what I was trying to say. I was told that age had nothing to do with it - only how our brains were.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Here are a couple more links: http://www.academic.marist.edu/mwwatch/fall05/science1.htm http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=124119468 http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=141164708

by Anonymous 10 years ago

That link is probably true for some people, but not for all. Difficulty holding back or controlling emotions:I actually control my emotions pretty well. A preference for physical activity:I hate to admit it, but I don't get much physical activity. A preference for high excitement and low effort activities (video games, sex, drugs, rock 'n' roll):I do admit I like to play games, but it isn't because it's low effort. Some games require you to think and challenges you, and that's what I like. Poor planning and judgement (rarely thinking of negative consequences):I probably plan too much. From the time I wake up I think about what I'm going to be doing at a certain time. I do think of consequences of my actions, although sometimes I choose to ignore them, which is different than not thinking of them. More risky, impulsive behaviors, including experimenting with drugs and alcohol:I barely take risks, and I will never take drugs or drink alcohol. I'm not saying that my brain is fully developed, I'm just saying those effects might not apply to some people. Everyone is different and so our brains won't develop in the same way. Teenagers can still have good judgement and good decision making skills. I think it depends on the way you were brought up, and your personality. "Because I have lived longer, I might have more experience and knowledge than a younger person." I don't disagree with this statement one bit. I'm actually one of those teenagers that listens to elderly advice because they've been where we've been, and they can guide us into not making the same mistakes they did. But also, the older members of our society should be mindful that young people see the world in a new light and can notice and point out things that they can't.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Your comments stand as stated. Very well spoken and balanced. And thanks for giving the "elderly" a pat on the back. We actually like when the youth want to know something and will seek out advice. Not many things make us prouder than that. And I am all for new light. I try my best to stay abreast of new developments, technology, research, and changes. I don't want to be a "fossil" - ever. They say you are only as old as you feel and that age is only a number. I would have to say that both are true. I know my body is a little worse for the wear, but inside I am still as good as I ever was.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Thanks, and your welcome. My oldest brother often says that I think like an old person (which I take as kind of a compliment). I think the main reason a lot of older people like to give advice is because they recognize that their time on earth is limited, and they want to make sure the next generation is better than the previous, and make sure that the next generation is well equipped for the future.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

And believe it or not, we were once teenagers ourselves. We know the kinds of things lurking around inside of those heads! I just appreciate and can get along fine with open minded teens like yourself. But when it comes to those who think they KNOW everything, that is a lot harder to deal with. Nobody knows everything (including myself or all older people), so to try and pass one's self as such is both arrogant and ignorant. I at least waited until I was a senior in high school to declare that I knew everything and nobody was going to tell me anything. I moved out of the house and got a one room apartment and thought I had the world by the tail. Within 6 months, I got busted, lost my job, and lost my vehicle. I learned very quickly that I didn't know much about the real world at all.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

“The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently.”

by Anonymous 10 years ago

I don't think age matters at all, there are 20 year olds who have experienced more or know more then 60 year olds and of course there vice versa. I don't think at 21 years old I have an issue with my judgment, it may not be fully developed but that just means I will be improving on it not that it is less then someone who is older than me.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

So if yours improves from 21 on, why wouldn't or didn't the next person's? And how can something improve if it is all it can be? The only way it can improve and get better is if it IS less than.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

that's easy, because not every human is the same. less than what? My potential? Yeah I agree, but that doesn't mean someone older than me is better or has better judgment

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Does that mean you believe the studies and the science of brain study is wrong then? I am not the one who did the studies. The point was a fully developed brain. The best judgment comes from such. Sure, there are exceptions to every rule, but when you start talking about the law of averages, percentages, and majorities, surely you would not be able to argue that the studies are wrong and inaccurate. Why do you think education progressively gets harder with each grade level? Because it takes time for the brain to mature and develop to the point to understand the abstract. We are not even talking about older people being better. You added that on your own.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

So if I said I knew a guy who was 20 years old when he lost his legs in Afghanistan and proceeded to take control of his fire team, call in a medevac, and keep everyone alive all while bleeding out. You'd tell me he's just an inexperienced kid with undeveloped judgement?

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Not at all. I am sure he was well trained and qualified for his duties and obligations in such a traumatic scenario. How many teenagers on this site do you think are equipped and ready to do the same thing?

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Unfortunately few.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Thank you for being honest and at least understanding. I am NOT putting teenagers down in any way, shape, or form. I was one ONCE. But there really is an added dimension that comes with age and many of life's hard knocks.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

freespeechfreelancer... No point in posting something like that, considering my assumption is that a majority of this site is teenagers.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

But it is perfectly ok and acceptable for any and all teens to say my comments are "lazy," "immature," "old," or any other lame descriptive word they choose? There are plenty of teens on here who feel strongly that they have just as much knowledge and experience as a person my age. I have every right to challenge any and every idea or premise that I highly question or doubt. But name calling by youth who still live at home and have a free ride is hardly mature. Many of these young people think that because they speak, things are so. Conceptually and in theory they have it all worked out in their little heads, but they have never had to TEST or experience anything they say they believe or value. The "rubber meets the road" when you get out ON YOUR OWN and fully taste the real world. Once a person has experienced a full dose all that life offers, THEN and only then, are they in a position to lecture or instruct me. One thing about older people - we raised our kids, paid our dues, and have carried the load for years and years. How is some 15 yr. old going to tell me that I am off of my ass and don't know what I am talking about? It is easy for a teen to say they have it all figured out from the comfort of "their" bedroom - wearing the clothes the parents provided, eating the food the parents provide, living under a roof that the parents provide, using a computer or smart phone that the parents provide, driving a car the parents bought or lend. Look me up in 20 years and tell me what your views are then. Every one of my children heard the same lesson I got when I was growing up - when you think you have reached the age to where you know more than those providing for you and think you can do better, there is the front door and you may leave any time you are ready. That choice for me was at age 17, and I never looked back. What is your excuse?

by Anonymous 10 years ago

you are majorily generalising the people of this website..

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Actually, I am being very specific about only the ones I have had dealings with. I don't have any idea how many people are on this site or who they are. I only know about the comments and encounters I have had with a varied few. I know what I have been told and you are free to read any of their comments on any of my posts.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

People over age 25 make poor choices.

by Anonymous 8 years ago