+14 If money talks, then poverty listens. Amirite?

by Anonymous 10 years ago

It sounds like your singling out the poor here. If that's true, the disadvantaged are very poor listeners. It's the wealthy people who are good at making money and hanging onto it. While they might not come right out and say it, some people think greed is a good thing.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Not at all. It is funny how when someone reads something, that they can get a totally different twist than the person who sees it in their mind and just posts it as is. This hit me yesterday out of the clear blue (as most of my unusual thoughts do). When they come in to my brain, I write them down. I know lots of idioms and expressions, and my mind is constantly challenging their premise or origin. Normally, my brain automatically questions everything. So, if you look at the phrase everyone is familiar with "money talks" - my mind took the opposite of "money" [no money or poverty] and "talks" [doesn't talk, silent, listens] and that is how I got the twist or new spin on the well known expression. I was not going anywhere with it and had no motive or intention in mind when it came to me. It is what it is. I am getting ready to post another one that hit me just today while I was eating at a Chinese Restaurant. I actually got up and asked the cashier for a pen so I could write it down on the back of my receipt.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

The first that that popped into my mind while reading your reply was: OMG, I'm Emily Litella! Wow. My bad. I beg your pardon. I think I had my bias glasses on there. :-)

by Anonymous 10 years ago

LOL...........no biggee. My brain sees words like puzzle pieces. I never was any good at jig saw puzzles, but my brain seems to do a little better job.

by Anonymous 10 years ago