0 Siblings can be hazardous. Espescially monstrous older brothers, amirite?

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Been there and done that!

by Anonymous 10 years ago

I'm the oldest maniac I don't think I'm horrible though

by Anonymous 10 years ago

I'm the 2nd oldest. The only time I really bother my younger siblings is when they do something I disapprove of, or annoy me (they annoy me all of the time, so I guess I bother them all of the time...) Oh wait, you said monstrous older brothers. In that case, you're right! That's a whole nother story.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

One moment they're all nice and taking care of you, the next you're being thrown on the couch and sat on.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

One moment your sitting calmly, the next moment he hits you for no reason and runs away, leaving you too lazy to get up and chase him. no

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Or you're trying to nap and he jumps on you yelling and attacks you. They're lovely some other times though.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

interesting that's something my Uncle would do he would fart on us wary

by Anonymous 10 years ago

My brother does it too

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Anything can be hazardous. Especially monstrous anything.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

My head is so far in the gutter from that comment

by Anonymous 10 years ago

My older sister has been trying to undermine me for years.

by Anonymous 10 years ago