-15 Some will say MONEY is the root of all EVIL. We say Lack of money is the root of all evil. You show me a person who can't buy food and I will show you a person blissfully happy. Amirite?

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Hungry and blissfully happy? Sounds very close to an oxymoron to me.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

The LOVE of money is the root of all evil. Not money itself.

by Anonymous 10 years ago


by Anonymous 10 years ago

Exactly, I am just as confused.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

The post is confusing. Poor hungry people are NOT blissfully happy. The poster has obviously never been poor or hungry.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

The post is confusing indeed, but OP means that hungry people are NOT happy, and that this lack is one cause of evil.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Maslow's hierarchy of needs, and physiological is most important. Without physiological needs being met, it is hard to focus on the other needs (safety, love/belonging, esteem, self-actualization). So, like it or not, a person who can't buy food would not under usual circumstances be blissfully happy.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Too much and too little throw the moral compass off. I'm not sure why you think someone who can't buy food would be happy? Misprint, or perhaps you should get out there and do some first hand research.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Nobody said anyone hungry is "blissfully happy", that's obviously not what the author meant. It would be a very difficult opinion to support.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

We don't KNOW what the OP meant - and that is why none of us can believe the statement. We all know the OP gets notices showing their post is receiving comments, so why they have not come back on and guided this conversation a little more is quite interesting.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

The meaning of the last sentence is not clear to me, but that of the first and second ones is. Money is not the root of all evil, lack of money is : "people who lack money are not happy" seems to be the idea the post wants to convey. So either the post is contradictory, either it is poorly written, either OP is a troll and we're feeding him :)

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Something like that.....and the OP has NEVER bothered to come back on and do any clarifying. Obviously the post was just an aversion. I would personally suggest that neither money or the lack of money are the root of all evil. The love of/for money is the real evil. Money itself has no evil powers or qualities, much like most things on this planet. It is HOW it is used that makes it evil. Some rich people have a very healthy balance with the use of money and it does not control them. Others, allow money to control them and ruin their lives. The same is true of poor people. Some poor people have genuinely huge hearts and would do anything for anyone (as long as money was not involved). And other poor folks are mean, nasty, and hateful - always looking for someone else's money to take. That is evil. BUT, hungry people (rich or poor) are not happy. An empty belly is one of the most disparaging feelings in the world, and will bring you to your knees and tears. I have been hungry and poor - and neither are desirable or happiness. They are a source of constant pain and heartache.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

The difference is poor people steal out of necessity. If they're stealing to feed a family, I do not necessarily see that as evil.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

In my mind as I was writing I was thinking more along the lines of the criminal non-working types who would be the thugs, gang bangers, and such. And yes, the survival instinct and will to stay alive is probably the greatest known in our world. It will go to most any lengths to try and preserve itself.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

The root of all evil is unhappiness. People wrong others because they have been wronged, either by others or by cruel fate. This much I agree with. I think it's something we should keep in mind when judging others, lest we stop seeing a person who has done wrong and begin to see in his place a monster. But I will not take the extra leap necessary for the conclusion that poverty is the root of all evil; that is to say, while I will agree that unhappiness is the root of all evil, I will not agree that poverty is the root of all unhappiness.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

How do you explain rich kids then going out and committing crimes just for "fun?"

by Anonymous 10 years ago

It is LOVE of money is the root of all evil, get it right.

by Anonymous 8 years ago