+10 This planet is where all of us who ever were lived and all of us who will ever be will live, and we can’t seem to get along. When my microcosm comes into conflict with yours, we fight. Raise this to a national scale and a war breaks out. Maybe, if we reflect long enough on our inconsequentialness, not only in comparison to the immensity of the universe, but also bearing in mind the length of our existence to the grand flow of time, we might avoid the conflict and live in peace...or not because we're all dipshits, amirite?

by Anonymous 10 years ago

who knows? maybe world peace would be a horrible thing maybe progression would stop maybe peace means everyone becomes apathetic/indifferent plus "Violence has steadily declined over the course of human history, and we are currently in the midst of the most peaceful era yet." http://www.amirite.com/761734-theres-a-trend-where-people-keep-saying-they-have-lost-faith-in-humanity-because https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/582264_624299740919477_1957727513_n.png ................................................................. I'm tired of people saying bad things about all people even if I do it sometimes wary we always talking about how we suck and not the other stuff SEE I just did the very thing I'm tired of

by Anonymous 10 years ago

How would that work? I think I've heard that exact quote before. If the human race wasn't retarted, imagine how much more we could've achieved and how much quicker we could of progressed.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

I'll never admit the human race is retarded we're contentious but that helps us progress but we are not retarded more achievement and quicker progression aren't necessarily good things maybe gradual achievement and progress are more orderly and less disruptive maybe gradual is better maybe gradual is more beneficial I think everything is going just dandy see comments in this post http://www.amirite.com/772909-mind-blow-the-perspective-of-evolution-46-billion-years-for-the-earth-36-billion-years-for

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Good point. We're retarted in that throughout history we have kept repeating the same mistakes, e.g. war as the answer to peace,denying equal rights, opposing a scientific breakthrough purely because it conflicted with religion.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

oh yeah you make a good point too I think that has more to do with being ignorant and greedy than being retarded

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Yeah, shouldn't have used that word in the first place.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

I battle semantics a lot

by Anonymous 10 years ago