+44 Never assume you must be right just because you can't be proven wrong, amirite?

by Anonymous 10 years ago

never assume you must be wrong just because you're can't be proven right

by Anonymous 10 years ago

I'm talking about falsifiability here. You can have a statement that is impossible to prove wrong (such as, there is an invisible dragon in my backyard that cannot be detected by any empirical tests), but it's not automatically right just because you can't falsify it. I was inspired by: http://www.amirite.com/773753-religion-is-something-based-primarily-on-faith-and-therefore-cant-really-be-proven-wrong

by Anonymous 10 years ago

You're indisputably right; it's scientifically impossible to disprove an existential negative.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

yes ma'm. you may just be stubborn after all and ppl just might not wanna deal w your crap

by Anonymous 10 years ago