+10 Telling someone that they're "beautiful in their own way" is way more offensive than calling someone ugly. You might as well say "by societies standards of aesthetics you're just terrible. But at least 1 thing about you is probably less undesirable than your face. Amirite?

by Anonymous 10 years ago

I'm pretty sure being called ugly is more insulting "You're ugly" Thanks d "You're beautiful in your own way" Thanks! I'll take what I can get biggrin and saying the second thing doesn't mean someone is ugly I've genuinely thought people were beautiful in their own way and they weren't ugly

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Also I think it's kinda rude to say "You're ugly" I think there's a more beneficial way to talk to people I mean I say it to my brother a lot but he knows that's just normal, everyday sibling interaction

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Well it is better than saying you are ugly but it is unnecessarily specific. Some people have this hangup about telling the "truth" but can't seem to get past the //truth// that they are fawken jerkoffs and should just consider shutting up.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

I think everyone is beautiful in their own way, not necessarily in looks, but personality makes up beauty too, and everyone is different in both so we're all beautiful in our own ways.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

I would rather be beautiful to someone in a nontraditional way.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Mind you, I would never use this wording because of the implications that are stated in this post, but in reality, there is truth to saying something like that, especially because different people find different qualities of different people physically attractive.

by Anonymous 10 years ago