+38 Religious people: if an intelligent alien race were to be discovered you would wonder if they have their own version of a messiah/prophet and if they have souls. Amirite?

by Anonymous 10 years ago

You don't have to be religious to wonder.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

I guess. Just to be clear I meant an alien version of a messiah/prophet from the same god they believe in.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

one hasn't been discovered and I still think about it http://amirite.com/763182-if-you-were-the-one-who-made-first-contact-with-an-alien-ambassador-what-would-you-ask-and-how/1929477

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Do you think they would have a soul?

by Anonymous 10 years ago

I'm assuming it's a possibility

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Not if they're gingers.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

I think they would have the same God that we have, and the same prophets, but I kind of hope that they wouldn't need a Messiah.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

How would they have the same prophets? Are you like saying a human prophet transporting to an alien world to share the message of God? Why do you hope that?

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Not a human prophet to the alien world, but God (or Jesus or who ever He sends) in alien form in the alien world. I hope they don't need a Messiah because it means they fucked up and need to be saved. Needing to be saved is not fun.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

The chance that we would find an alien race that worshipped the same concept of a divine being as many humans do is quite remote. What if their entire society was centered around more material things, or the religious ones were the minority? Also, if their religion was anything like any modern one, then their entire theory of creation would have left out the creation of a whole other living planet.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

There's a very good chance that they do all they'd have to do is believe in the One that created them if they agree that One created the entire universe(s) it's not that hard to see The Creator of everything literally takes into account everything

by Anonymous 10 years ago

But think about all the factors that contributed to humanity's current belief systems and cultures. The chance that those factors would be the same on an entirely different planet that had absolutely no contact with us is extremely small. it's far more likely that their species would have evolved past the point of needing religion, and starting trying to explain the universe through careful analysis of their surroundings, accepting nothing as fact until it is proven.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

I'm not talking about belief systems and cultures I'm merely talking about the existence of the Creator of everything

by Anonymous 10 years ago

So am I. I'm also saying that the abrahamic "revelation" of the one true creator was based upon centuries of specific environmental and cultural circumstances. The three monotheisms didn't simply "realize" the truth. Certain circumstances in the past lead to people making those assertions.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

the 3 monotheistic religions aren't the only ones that have the Creator there's more forget Abrahamic for now these aliens probably don't even know of Abraham this is about the Creator it makes sense for the Creator to be universal it makes sense for another race to think "the Creator created us" Abraham is human like us so it wouldn't be shocking if an intelligent race had no clue about him If an alien race acknowledged a Creator it would not be shocking at all to me it's not hard to think "hmm, we were created by One"

by Anonymous 10 years ago

But the only reason that some of us think that is a series of environmental and cultural circumstances that led to the first people declaring that there was only one god. What if those people never moved passed a polytheistic religion? What if they've moved beyond religion because they found a good alternate explanation that all of them are willing to believe?

by Anonymous 10 years ago

it's not some of us who think such it's the majority of us and polytheists still believe in the Creator if they exist I don't know what they think I just said that it makes sense if they acknowledge the Creator of everything no matter how much you know we (the creations) have to be created http://amirite.com/773274-they-say-if-you-pray-god-will-give-you-one-of-3-answers-yes-no-or-wait-either-youll-get-what/1944701

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Of course we were "created', though I'm not sure if I would use that word. We were created by the process of evolution, so if you want to worship that, go right ahead.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

evolution = origin of species evolution =/= origin of life did you not see the image in the link I put in the previous comment? these aliens obviously are not from Earth and if they are that's another story I'm not gonna worship evolution no need to be condescending about it my mom gave birth to me that doesn't mean I worship her

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Honestly, I think it's kind of arrogant to believe that your religion is universal knowledge, and that a random alien species would share your beliefs. And yes, I've seen that image before, and while the person who made it clearly has no idea what they're talking about, thats the general gist of it.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

when did I say Islam is universal outside of the Earth? how many times do I have to say I'm not talking about cultural values or our environment I'm not talking about Abrahamic religions I'm not talking about anything else I'm talking about the acknowledgement of a Creator AND I did not say that these aliens believe in the Creator FOR SURE I'm not the arrogant one here telling me to go ahead and worship evolution if I want

by Anonymous 10 years ago

First of all, I said "worship evolution IF YOU WANT". By saying that you wouldn't be surprised if an alien species shared your beliefs implies that you think it is likely. You thinking that it's likely implies that you think your belief system could be shared in other parts of the universe. I suppose thats not exactly "universal", but its pretty darn close.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

David, don't deny you were being condescending when you said that and how in the world is that arrogant? to say that I have something in common with another intelligent race by that logic it's arrogant if you to think that it's likely that they don't acknowledge the Creator and it's not BELIEFS it's one belief about believing in the existence of God I said that it make sense to me I'm not talking about the multiple beliefs I hold

by Anonymous 10 years ago

It's arrogant because you're not acknowledging how extremely remote the possibility is that an alien species would believe in your creator. You can't talk about this subject without considering the vast cultural and environmental conditions that led to our society today. Think about all the different religions and gods that have existed on our planet alone. Many of them have fairly little in common, and what they did have in common they strived to ignore, as they didn't want to be akin to a false religion. Now that you've thought about those civilizations, picture another planet with a whole new set of environmental and cultural conditions. Many new civilizations emerge with varying beliefs. you probably share no religious beliefs with ANY of the cultures that have ever existed on that planet. Even if you share your beliefs (sorry, belief) with just one of those cultures, what are the odds that THAT culture was the one to achieve spaceflight?

by Anonymous 10 years ago

actually you're wrong religions have a fair amount of things in common creatures in another plant can have this thing in common with me because again it's not hard to think "Hmm, we were created by the Creator" their morality may be completely different but this could be the one thing we have in common it seems like a pretty common thing to believe in this from my point of view you obviously have another point of view that influences what you think to be possible you have also been influenced by Earth's culture as I have let's just end it at that

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Well it's becoming increasingly less common on this planet. Also, that's an earthcentered view. You're still not getting my point. This is a completely different planet, we have no idea what is different there, or how the species would have evolved. I'm making this up of course, but what if their brain was shaped in such a way that religion wasn't a part of their culture. What if they don't even have brains. What if they were able to evolve in such a way that they developed a new organ that served as a brain substitute. Getting down to the very basics, we are carbon based life forms. this is because carbon can form 4 bonds with other atoms. Another atom that can do this is silicon. it has been theorized that there could be silicon based ecosystems. What if these creatures were silicon based? What would that mean? I got really off topic there, but my point is there are so many possibilities, so many things that could be different, it is impossible to make any kind of prediction about their culture with any form of accuracy.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

exactly I don't know much about them and neither do you your view is earth centered too I believe that a belief in the Creator is something we're born doing so it makes sense for me to think that of another race in my point of view animals worship God this is all in my view now that I think about it again I think that they may have a similar break up that we have with there being atheists, agnostics, and other kinds of people atheists have always existed David some were open about it and some weren't but I don't think atheism is rising all that much I think it's still in proportion with the population of Earth we have more people than we used so it makes sense that there are more atheists

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Well I agree that there have always been atheists, however, if some weren't open about it, then we don't know if they were atheists or not. I do believe that there were some that stayed hidden, but I also think that the proportion of atheists to population is growing. Even if it's not, our culture is becoming more agnostic, as is our government compared to those of the past. Also, I never really thought about god until I actively started not believing in it. So I was definitely not born believing in god. My belief is that it is highly improbable that an alien species would believe in one god the way that you do. I don't find that earthcentered whatsoever, or were you talking about a different thing that I said?

by Anonymous 10 years ago

you don't even remember what happened in your infancy so you can't even say that definitely I think animals worship God I think the sun worships God it's earth-centered because your belief is influenced simply by living on Earth

by Anonymous 10 years ago

I'm interested as to why you think that these other creatures and things worship god. They certainly don't do it in the way that you do. Unless you are just referring to existing and being its creations.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

I think they worship by performing their duties like the sun shining

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Well I can't really argue with that. I mean, you're just using a different word for doing their "jobs", so yeah.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

well words can take on multiple meanings

by Anonymous 10 years ago

say this intelligent alien race believed in God do you think that would change the perspective of humans?

by Anonymous 10 years ago

If they were a lot more advance and more intelligent than us, probably. It would definitely be interesting.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

I natural think that anything has a soul.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

do you say the same for inanimate objects?

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Yes. I also think they have personalities.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

and when they transform for example when wood gets carved does personality change with it?

by Anonymous 10 years ago

The wood's personalty wound do a U turn. But everyone's personalty changes over time. So it would change naturally. However, in the example of it being carve. That would not change its personalty. Simply change its appearance to show its personalty better.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

is this a religious belief Ryuu or is it a seperate, personal belief?

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Personal belief.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

oh that's interesting how did you get to this belief?

by Anonymous 10 years ago

As in, where did this belief come from?

by Anonymous 10 years ago

I guess

by Anonymous 10 years ago

I'm always thought that things are alive, so to speck. That everything has its own personalty. Along with everything having a soul.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

I'd wonder if they had religion but not if they had souls.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

it says "religious people"

by Anonymous 10 years ago

You don't know if I'm part of a religion or not :P

by Anonymous 10 years ago

your profile says you're not oh wait never mind are you religious?

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Actually no... Just making a point. Everyone ignore my comments!

by Anonymous 10 years ago

I would wonder about the messiah, but not if they have souls. Every sentient creature has a soul.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

The truth is: there is no other human-like beings besides humans. It says somewhere in the Bible, so this post is basicly wrong

by Anonymous 10 years ago