-111 Black and White movies are better than any other kind of movies, amirite?

by Anonymous 10 years ago

"Better than" statements already indicate one's PREFERENCE. They might be better than all other kinds to you, but you can never assume the same for ALL people. Everyone has varying tastes and preferences. I like a good mixture of both. I love the old black and white westerns and it fits the era well. But to say I would love to watch every single movie in black and white would be a lie. Color adds depth, dimension, and reality to what we experience every day. We see in color, so color movies are natural. Had their never been black and white only before the days of color, I am sure even the old westerns would have been filmed in color.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

The fact that I posted this under the "opinion" category should already indicate to you that it's my preference.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

I get that - BUT you posted YOUR preference on an opinion site seeking the opinion of others. Your opinion is now open to a voting format (agree-disagree) - opening up your preference to be enlightened and challenged by the preferences of others. Your post is a blanket statement that assumes ALL other people see the statement exactly as you do - and they don't. All I did was point that out. You can watch black and white from now on with my full support.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

"Any other kind" so basically color? I mean what else is there?

by Anonymous 10 years ago