+33 You cannot have both freedom (as proposed in the U.S.) and equal representation of all peoples (perticularly religious and non religious) on the same "ship". There will continually be disagreement and political strife. Amirite?

by Anonymous 9 years ago

At least you know we're on a ship

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Thinking about this for a while now. I guess, because everyone is different, you cannot truly have equal representation without full participation. However with fair elections you can approximate fair representation.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

We could get pretty close to equal representation but someone's always going to complain a about swearing or not swearing on the bible in court, god being or not being on our money and in our pledge, prayer in schools, etc. Besides religion, there are many issues such as gun control. "what do you need anything besides a hunting rifle or maybe a hand gun for?" Response is "it's my freedom and right to own any fire arm" well freedom doesn't equal the best way of doing things. But it's still a freedom people will not let go of without a fight. Then there are gay rights issues. Just because so many people are dead set on a narrow definition of marriage, or they are afraid of the gay man next door somehow "turning" their child gay, they insist on having anti gay laws permeate the system like that's going to make all the gay peoples disappear just because they can't be married. But i'm ranting...let's just live and let die already...

by Anonymous 10 years ago

No one who lives in a society has total freedom.

by Anonymous 8 years ago