-1 Your dream is to travel the world, amirite?

by Anonymous 8 years ago

Nope. Just the places I feel like going to. I'm fine with reading about the rest. :)

by Anonymous 8 years ago

Thank you for your answer!

by Anonymous 8 years ago

Yes yes!

by Anonymous 8 years ago

Thank you for your answer!

by Anonymous 8 years ago

No, not really. I feel fortunate to have lived and traveled in other countries in my life, though.

by Anonymous 8 years ago

Thank you for your answer!

by Anonymous 8 years ago

Nope I like where I am and travel is just a bother IMO

by Anonymous 8 years ago

It's not my dream but it is on my to-do list. I have so many other things to worry about right now.

by Anonymous 8 years ago

My dream is to travel to the ends of this universe till I find a brain that houses this space.

by Anonymous 8 years ago

I've traveled. I'd like to travel more but only to parts of the world.

by Anonymous 8 years ago

That's only one dream...))

by Anonymous 8 years ago