+194 America, in having freedom of religion, is not a Christian Nation, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well it does mention god a fair bit, so it's a Christian nation that doesnt impose its beliefs on its citizens who follow other religions

by Anonymous 13 years ago

other religions use "god" as well. some of the other religion's gods have a name that is too holy to use in every day things

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I don't care if all our founding fathers were extremist Christians (they weren't but for the sake of argument), that doesn't mean our country is a "Christian nation" if that was the case, then anything that's ever invented is based solely off someone's religion. Say that the founders of Google were Christian, does that mean Google itself is Christian? NO BECAUSE GOOGLE IS AN INANIMATE OBJECT. America is personified by its citizens but it's still just an object and it can't be a certain religion, regardless of who founded it or not. And obviously our founding fathers knew that and were a bit smarter than the people today who don't even understand why we were founded (religion wasn't even the biggest reason), and that's why our founding fathers put Separation of church and state and Freedom of religion into the Constitution so things that are happening today (like making laws based off a certain religion) wouldn't happen.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

First of all: "Founding Fathers" should be capitalized. And second: The Separation of Church and State actually means that law makers can't write religion into the legislature (like making someone of a certain religion close their business on a Sunday, which might be their holy day--as seen in a Supreme Court case). Third of all: Religion WAS the biggest reason. They were tired of having to (by law) practice a certain religion in Great Britain, so they set sail for America, where they eventually created this magnificent country. Almost done: Our laws in this country are, in fact, based off of the Ten Commandments: "Thou Shalt Not Kill"--it's illegal to murder someone; "Thou Shalt Not Steal"--theft is also illegal. We already have laws based of... Christianity. So, in conclusion: The very FOUNDATION of America is based off of Christianity. And I've pretty much negated everything you wrote. (:

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Technically it is based off of Judaism, because the Christians stole everything from the Jews.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The very founding of this country is Christian-based. Our laws and our Constitution are based off of the Ten Commandments, therefore we have a Christian nation.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

...just because the laws of your backward ass country loosley reflect the commandments of a particular religion doesnt mean that america is a 'christian nation'.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

ANYONE can come up with killing is wrong without reading the ten commandments. in fact most do!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Should it be a Christian nation? No. Is it? Definitely.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

John Adams said "America was founded on the Principles of Christianity"

by Anonymous 8 years ago