+4 Undercover cops are a terrible idea, amirite?

by Anonymous 6 years ago

So normal cops catch people before they commit a crime?

by Anonymous 6 years ago

They would be more likely to prevent a crime from happening. Great example is traffic cops, people are less inclined to speed or drive recklessly in the view of a cop. An undercover cop can't enstill that same effect.

by Anonymous 6 years ago

Well I suppose that if a uniformed police officer can walk about in the underworld and watch cartels do drug deals and stuff then your theory would be correct.

by Anonymous 6 years ago

If only there were more police then there would be less murders, Amirite? Perhaps every household should have one hmmm?

by Anonymous 6 years ago

Didn't say anything like that. Not even comparable, honestly. But fine, since you're so adamant about undercover cops, what is so crucial about undercover cops? Why do we need them at all? What do undercover cops do that other police couldn't possibly do, other than a form of entrapment?

by Anonymous 6 years ago

I really don't have the inclination to argue something that is as obvious as this. No offence Sk.

by Anonymous 6 years ago

You were snarky out the gate so idk why you're saying no offense now. Also maybe this is an American thing, you probably have better police in NZ.

by Anonymous 6 years ago

Right now, across the country, drug dealers, money counterfeiters, immigrant smugglers and hit men are talking to people who they believe are fellow criminals - but they're actually police. A uniformed officer would not be as effective in this job.

by Anonymous 6 years ago

I am always worried that I might find one in my bed.

by Anonymous 6 years ago

Nope, they're a good but dirty trick to really shake up crime

by Anonymous 6 years ago