+2 The proposed border wall between the US and Mexico and its national support is a great example of mass manipulation over such a dumb idea. That being said, if they can raise the money on GoFundMe rather than throw away taxpayer money on a useless project, more power to them, amirite?

by Anonymous 4 years ago

same can be said of obama's disaster of a health care plan, or any socialist ideas, and whats so wrong with border control? surely you have a door that locks on your house and you use it right?

by Anonymous 5 years ago

The problem with the wall is that it's useless. Most illegal immigrants come here legally by plane or bus and simply over stay their visas. A wall will not stop that. As for my house, of course I have a lock on my door. But if a thief's motivation to get into my house is stronger than my will to pay excessive amounts of money to heighten my false sense of security, the thief will find a way.

by Anonymous 5 years ago

well whats the point of any law then people will break the laws anyways, so why have them? such an argument is full of Fallacies. to have an open border or to even want it is like not having a door at all, and if you support open borders but have a lock on your door you are a hypocrite. really that simple. just because someone will try and break our laws doesn't mean we give them what they want

by Anonymous 5 years ago

But what I'm saying is that we all have a limit to the amount of security we're willing to put in our homes. We determine this limit by the //perceived// risk of crime and how much we're willing to spend and add inconvenience to our lives. A bunker surrounded by razor wire would undoubtedly be safer than a standard suburban house, but most people, even those in high crime areas, aren't living in their own personal bunkers. We do already have a wall at the border.

by Anonymous 5 years ago

it's about illegal immigrants …. illegal....people are to dumb to realize that.... and no we don't want your sick ass kids either=get them water and do the paperwork

by Anonymous 5 years ago

I do not think the "big, beautiful wall" is very realistic either, as far as actually keeping out those *unwanteds* determined to come to this country. Seems like to some, the *unwanteds* can be most anyone who doesn't spend years, sometimes well over a decade..waiting and hoping for approval of legal entry, or people of a certain... oh, nevermind. The possible environmental impacts of a wall being built on some parts of the border, are also concerning. Since so many are hellbent on having that "promised" wall built, I do also hope that the money raised on GofundMe will actually end up go towards that..if it ever happens.

by Anonymous 5 years ago