+29 We talk about white privilege and male privelege, but we hardly every talk about right privelege, the fact that lefties live in a world made for right handed people. amirite?

by Anonymous 5 years ago


by Anonymous 5 years ago

Everyone seems to have some sort of Privilege these days.

by Anonymous 5 years ago

I'm left-handed and I've just learned to adapt without even thinking about it. Ever notice how so many left-handed people have an easier time using their right hand than right-handed people are able to use their left? I actually saw a post about this sort of thing on Buzzfeed or some other clickbait rag, but they were serious. A bunch of left-handed people complaining about how oppressed they are. I have never felt oppressed in any way for being left-handed. We're WAAAAAY past the point where left-handed people were thought of as strange and weird and were forced to use their right hand. Some people are only interested in being a victim because it's trendy.

by Anonymous 5 years ago

I never felt like a victim. Only in catholic school when the Nun used to hit my hand with her ruler.

by Anonymous 5 years ago

Well a lot of things can be used with either hand but yeah I get you. For instance in my profession (dentistry) a lot of the equipment is more comfortable to be used with a right hand rather than the left one

by Anonymous 5 years ago

I am a leftie (with most things), it doesn't bother me. With my right hand, use things like scissors and the computer mouse. I am no victim.

by Anonymous 5 years ago