+41 Assertions with out evidence can be dismissed with out evidence, amirite?

by Anonymous 4 years ago

That may very well be a superior way to deal with that situation

by Anonymous 4 years ago

In general I agree, but I think it's important that an assertion made without evidence, but also without absolute certainty, should be dismissed without absolute certainty if it's to be dismissed without evidence. For example, if I say *maybe* God exists, but I have no evidence, and one plans to dismiss my assertion without evidence, the strongest dismissal they can make is to declare that *maybe* God *doesn't* exist. And vice versa, if I say maybe God doesn't exist, but I have no evidence, the strongest dismissal that can be issued without evidence against my assertion is that maybe God does exist.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

Well I always say the evidence to warrant believe in a god or gods is insufficient for me

by Anonymous 4 years ago