-19 There was no such thing as bad breath before the toothbrush was invented. amirite?

by Anonymous 5 years ago

Same with most beauty products

by Anonymous 5 years ago

You sure about that?

by Anonymous 5 years ago

Yea people definitely ate mint leaves and other items in order to freshen their breath.

by Anonymous 5 years ago

I think humans figured out that other humans could have bad breath ages before the toothbrush. There were probably many other "remedies" for it along with mint leaves.

by Anonymous 5 years ago

But was it a common thing?

by Anonymous 5 years ago

Lmao what? I'm pretty sure it was just a given back then.

by Anonymous 5 years ago

I saw a youtube video where someone said that Listerine "invented" the problem of bad breath just so they could sell their product, as if they're inventing problems that don't exist and then being "capitalist pigs", but bad breath smells disgusting. I'm glad we have oral hygiene products now.

by Anonymous 5 years ago

Right I am glad we have a variety of tooth care products now,. If I read an historic romance novel, I always think yuck how could you kiss someone who doesn't take care of their teeth

by Anonymous 5 years ago