+34 Frosted Flakes were advertised to make kids better at sports, even though the cereal is quite sugary and bad for you. The only explanation is that the kids were boosted by sugar rushes, am I rite?

by Anonymous 4 years ago

They also look like giant fish food.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

This works well for me because I am actually a giant fish

by Anonymous 4 years ago

Just because you occasionally see sports in the commercial does not mean there is any implication the product will make you better at sports. I can't help but wonder what crazy things you think other products do.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

The commercials clearly had kids playing sports, losing, eating Frosted Flakes, than winning I don't know how else to interpret that

by Anonymous 4 years ago

That's what they *want* you to see.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

That is not a direct claim that it will make you better at sports. The kids are also followed around by a cartoon tiger. Do you expect that to happen too? Cause you're gonna need something stronger than frosted flakes.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

Just because it is not stated does not mean it's not implied. What's the point of having the kids get better at sports after eating Frosted Flakes if that was not what was being advertised? Also, they aren't being followed by Tony after eating the flakes, Tony gives it to them, so it isn't implied to cause it.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

One slogan of Frosted Flakes that is used a lot is "Frosted Flakes brings out the tiger in you!" This slogan is often sang after or while showing showing kids or Tony himself play well at sports. More often than not, prior to eating the cereal, the main character is losing or being made fun of. What else could that possibly mean

by Anonymous 4 years ago

And crash afterwards... Sometimes

by Anonymous 4 years ago

Advertising and marketing are very much about implying, but not actually claiming that something is true.

by Anonymous 4 years ago