+14 Trump has actually helped Baltimore, more than any other politician, by shining a light on the conditions there. Transparency should be the first order of business there and all over the US. amirite?

by Anonymous 4 years ago

Correct. Congressman Cummings BTW, is a disgrace, He just happens to be black. Congresswoman Pelosi (whose Congressional district in San Francisco is also filthy with human feces and used hypodermic needles) is also a disgrace. She just happens to be white. But, both are leftist, elitist Progressives with an agenda to push that deceives and exploits American citizens whether black or white for the sake of achieving goals to fundamentally transform the USA Progressive-style, aka Obama-style.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

They do it so they can control.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

This is painfully obvious. I tried to find something that Cummings did for his district but so far I'm not finding much.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

And you won't no matter how long, how far, or how wide you look. So glad Trump at least exposes this kind of Congressional injustice by taxpayer-funded lazy-ass legislators using politics as a career. .

by Anonymous 4 years ago

This clip is from June, 2016, when Obama was still president. The people in it must be terrible racists for mentioning the rats in Baltimore, which neither Obama nor Cummings did //squat//  about. shh   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OiTv_M8pD-A

by Anonymous 4 years ago

Shhhh, SHHHHHH//!!!//   I learned in PolSci 101 that calling attention to squalid conditions in a district represented by a liberal/progressive Democrat is racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic, or perhaps all of the above.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

Pointing out a problem is one thing. Doing something about it is quite another. What's your solution to fix the problems in Baltimore?

by Anonymous 4 years ago

Maybe begin by doing an extensive audit on specifically how and where the BILLIONS of dollars it has received has been used with little to no improvement to be visibly existent. That in and of itself won't improve anything as a stand alone action, but it will be a great starting point.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

Opportunity zones the include demolition, construction, and waste removal. then check into the bank accounts of every mayor and council members for the last 50 years. Investigate where all the taxpayer money has gone to.

by Anonymous 4 years ago


by Anonymous 4 years ago

It was cummings that conflated it when he yelled at the border situation when his is in worse shape and for a lot longer. I would rather the same things for the children as you but negligent parents and government jeopardize their situations. Then they are brought here, dumped on the border and we are expected to give them all kinds of care while many American families aren't able to take care of their own families. When you fly, you are told to put your own oxygen mask on first so you can then help the children. IF America get sick and/or broke how will we be able to take in any more economic refugees who break the law in the first place. If your neighbor has a nicer house with a pool does that give you the right squat in their living room? Why not take care of your own house. The beef is with the leaders who live in lavish mansions while walking through neighborhoods of poverty and rats and doing NOTHING to help those people. Again I ask, what has Cummings done for his district, so far there has been no response. I could go further and ask what you personally done to help the less fortunate?

by Anonymous 4 years ago


by Anonymous 4 years ago

Let's then shine a light on Trump's tax returns, his refusals to pay his subcontractors for spurious reasons and his many bankruptcies

by Anonymous 4 years ago

The situation in Baltimore has nothing to do with Trump's taxes. Stay on topic.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

ahem - "Transparency should be the first order of business there and __all over the US__" so says you and this from Trump - "I was the most transparent, and am, transparent President in history"

by Anonymous 4 years ago

When EVERY politician in or out of office regardless of position currently or previously held or campaigning to hold follows and acts upon all of the exact detailed standards of transparency for which Trump is being scrutinized, then your comment may be of worth. Until then it is biased bullshit.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

Until all politicians past present and future follow the same rules with which they want to scrutinize Trump your comment is bullshit.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

I actually think we are in agreement over the rules and scrutiny should to apply to all politicians equally.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

So says Anonymous...so much for transparency. You talk the talk but can not walk the walk like all of your ilk.

by Anonymous 4 years ago