Women think about certain things more than men-and vice versa, amirite?
by Anonymous5 years ago
Well, men (at least college men) seem to think of certain things more than women do.
"We found that the median number of sexual thoughts [per day] for men was 18.6 and for women it was 9.9. ...Statistical tests indicated that the number of thoughts about sex was not statistically larger than the number of thoughts about food and sleep. Men had more thoughts about all three of those areas than did women."
This particular research did not find things that women think more about than men do, but I suspect one area that college women think more about than college men do is their course work.
by Anonymous5 years ago
women seem to be more strategic with bathroom awareness... they got to know where the nearest bathroom is
by Anonymous 5 years ago
by Anonymous 5 years ago
by Anonymous 5 years ago