+51 Maybe all the natural disasters happening recently is the immune system of the Earth trying to fight back against a disease. amirite?

by Anonymous 4 years ago

i mean, that's a good metaphor if anything

by Anonymous 4 years ago

yes, but it's only a natural DISASTER when humans are involved. It's more like humans looking at a natural thing as bad just because it doesn't momentarily serve the humans. Some would say nature can't make DISASTERS. but maybe your right and l shouldn't get lost in the words and just call humans natural disasters.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

It's pretty common knowledge that the human species is literally cancer attacking the multicellular organism knows as earth..

by Anonymous 4 years ago

Ever think how ants must feel. Mowing over them? Earthquake/Tornado. Spraying them with the hose? Tsunami. Setting them on fire with gasoline? Wildfires.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

You set ants on fire with gasoline?

by Anonymous 4 years ago

Shoot u rite

by Anonymous 4 years ago

There's a movie (or 10) about this

by Anonymous 4 years ago