+59 Since we only live one reality and can't go back, everything we live can be defined as "Destiny" since there are no other outcomes. amirite?

by Anonymous 4 years ago

Please dont kill anybody

by Anonymous 4 years ago

Well. Theoretically...

by Anonymous 4 years ago

Nope, that's not how science or "destiny" works. Your Future is in your hands, not destiny's.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

It's more of an alternate take on destiny and if you are arguing multiply realities for the science standpoint they are alternate version of "You" and not "you yourself" (You don't share a consciousness) so "you" who is reading this do only live one reality. Destiny is also a concept so it is up to interpretation and doesn't "work" in any specific way.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

you're choosing your choices and action though and your actions can affect the future so technically there could be a different future if you didn't do that action.

by Anonymous 4 years ago