+67 People will say "ignorance is no excuse" when ignorance is a totally valid excuse for not understanding something. amirite?

by Anonymous 4 years ago

Not understanding something can lead to mistakes that as an adult you have to be held accountable for. Everyone could break any law and tell "i didn't know it was illegal" if the opposite were true

by Anonymous 4 years ago

So because we have people who lie , honest people suffer...seems like a bad system

by Anonymous 4 years ago

Sounds like Congress - they certainly lie and we, the people, suffer. Bad system for us, but great for them. And ignorant people continue to vote for 'em.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

When they say ignorance is no excuse they are saying it in a legal sense.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

I feel like they ( cops , judges) have an obligation to make sure civilians know the law , it seems like a crime that they have no responsibility ... Not once do we sign a paper saying we understand the law or do we see laws written out for us. I agree with the poster , it should be expected that we are ignorant because we truly are most of the time

by Anonymous 4 years ago

Not understanding something and being ignorant aren't the same thing. Often we simply haven't been educated about something - that doesn't make someone ignorant.

by Anonymous 4 years ago