Just like those monkeys randomly typing out Shakespeare a wave could have carved out the Sphinx, amirite?
by Anonymous4 years ago
Uh, no
by Anonymous4 years ago
Explain your understanding of infinite possibility
by Anonymous4 years ago
asks the child
by Anonymous4 years ago
Oh boy, where to begin...this to me may also be a post about inspiration and where it comes from...these outbursts of thoughts that we feel nessasary to share with the world as if everyone hasn't already thought these thoughts before you ... I really believe thinking is simultaneous where we all have the same thing going through our minds at the same time from a different perspective, just that someone is quiker to state an obvious observation... Monkeys typeing Shakespeare?? Well ...he is a well evolved monkey and even i have tried to write like Shakespeare before so yes eventually we will get shakespeare written out for our enjoyment, but how small is your imagination that you cannot see that there is a chance in millions of years of waves crashing over and washing down rocks that something familiar to a lion with a human head might be created accidentally...if you ask me the Sphinx basically just looks like a mound of sand
by Anonymous4 years ago
You have much to say but if you are as smart as you think you are you must realize you need much further education, refinement. At the moment you are slinging half-formed ideas against the wall hoping for something to stick.
by Anonymous4 years ago
A muse or inspiration..is not defined..i want to know what makes new ideas
by Anonymous4 years ago
Just be happy to be a random moment of coherency...just one moment in your whole life
by Anonymous4 years ago
"A random moment of coherency." Well said.
Also, there ain't much more so be happy with that.
by Anonymous 4 years ago
by Anonymous 4 years ago
by Anonymous 4 years ago
by Anonymous 4 years ago
by Anonymous 4 years ago
by Anonymous 4 years ago
by Anonymous 4 years ago
by Anonymous 4 years ago