A $20 pen is a much better gift than a $20 t-shirt, amirite?
by Anonymous4 years ago
The pen is mightier than shirt.
by Anonymous4 years ago
I'd rather get a t-shirt than a pen though
by Anonymous4 years ago
Have you ever used a fountain pen? Writing with one is amazing! It makes writing a pleasurable activity!
by Anonymous4 years ago
Since I'm a writer people have gifted me some absolutely wonderful, fancy pens and inks.
I'd still rather have the t-shirt.
by Anonymous4 years ago
What if it was something else more tailored to your hobbies. Say for example if you like to cook, would you prefer a $20 whisk or a $20 kitchen knife?
by Anonymous4 years ago
Lmao definitely a $20 whisk a $20 knife will be trash no?
by Anonymous4 years ago
I guess I could prefer something like a book, but I would never say no to a funny graphic tee or something like that
by Anonymous4 years ago
Me too, I love a good t-shirt! I get what OP is trying to say but the real point is spend the money on something that the person would actually want.
by Anonymous4 years ago
Bro you are totally right and it confuses me
by Anonymous4 years ago
Totally unrelated, but your name can be rearranged to "Serve it to h-job" and I think that is beautiful.
by Anonymous4 years ago
Depends entirely on the t-shirt, and the pen for that matter
by Anonymous4 years ago
I can buy a bag of bics (not to be confused with a bag of dicks) that will last me years if i don't lose them. Given my history with misplacing pens i don't see it as a good investment.
On the other hand i have t shirts from 10 years ago.
by Anonymous4 years ago
I guess we all like t-shirts but it works with everything else!
by Anonymous4 years ago
Honestly, I'd just give them $20 so they so they can spend it on whatever they want.
by Anonymous4 years ago
by Anonymous4 years ago
Harder to lose a shirt then a pen.
by Anonymous4 years ago
Just bought a four pack of Parker pens on amazon for £19. Not saying they're the best in the world, but I'm not civilised enough to appreciate anything better.
by Anonymous4 years ago
I find when you believe something is expensive, you treat it that way, meaning you take better care of it and it lasts much longer. I have one expensive all-weather pen I've had for years. Biggest concern is everyone who touches it tries to walk away with it!
by Anonymous4 years ago
Who buys pens?
by Anonymous4 years ago
Yes I would love if someone bought me a cool Buster Keaton T-shirt. F..k a pen buy magic markers to color in pre-made posters.
by Anonymous4 years ago
What about a $20 toothpick?
by Anonymous4 years ago
I will lose that pen way sooner that I'll lose a shirt.
by Anonymous 4 years ago
by Anonymous 4 years ago
by Anonymous 4 years ago
by Anonymous 4 years ago
by Anonymous 4 years ago
by Anonymous 4 years ago
by Anonymous 4 years ago
by Anonymous 4 years ago
by Anonymous 4 years ago
by Anonymous 4 years ago
by Anonymous 4 years ago
by Anonymous 4 years ago
by Anonymous 4 years ago
by Anonymous 4 years ago
by Anonymous 4 years ago
by Anonymous 4 years ago
by Anonymous 4 years ago
by Anonymous 4 years ago
by Anonymous 4 years ago
by Anonymous 4 years ago
by Anonymous 4 years ago
by Anonymous 4 years ago