+71 There are probably neurotoxins that produce the most incredible high imaginable, but no one knows because they also happen to kill you. amirite?

by Anonymous 4 years ago

Most toxins that dont kill you instantly, but slowly, cause delirium, which comes with a "high" feeling and hallucinations. The issue is that people who survive, usually are suffering greatly or did so, and thus cannot recall "the high" in a positive way. The greatest rush would be created by brain cells not just being disturbed, but actively dying quickly and aggressively. And that, indeed, will kill you eventually. Sometimes rather quickly.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

Makes sense. Although I gotta say I got *lightly electrocuted once and it felt pretty darn amazing. Could explain a lot.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

I once got a decent shock that was a literal black out. Felt far from amazing.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

Yeah I got lucky and was insulated from the ground, but somehow the electricity still messed with my brain. Paralyzed me actually while I was holding the wire (electrified cattle fence).

by Anonymous 4 years ago