+56 Someone has accurately predicted their spontaneous death to the second and didn't get to tell anyone about their amazing prediction, amirite?

by Anonymous 4 years ago

August 12th is a day I'm paranoid of..

by Anonymous 4 years ago

Prolly someone falling to their death..."5..4..3..2..ugh!"

by Anonymous 4 years ago

Maybe all hauntings are people who did this and just desperately want to tell someone.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

How far in advance are we talking about? There's tons of people who've seen their own death coming right before it's happened.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

Right so when I say spontaneous I'm talking like you're paying for sunflower seeds at the gas station and say "hey wouldn't it be crazy if I died right now" then a car comes crashing in through the front doors and kills you. Basically, think of those random ass deaths you've seen videos of. Right before the death happens, what if the person said, "lol imagine I died right now" and then boom. This exact scenario could have happened before but unfortunately, dead men tell no tales

by Anonymous 4 years ago