+60 You didn't know there have been over 200 wildcat strikes in the US since March 1st. amirite?

by Anonymous 4 years ago

Wowie i like what covid has done to you... First time ive ever heard price goudge, thats what capitalism should be , a few twenty something midwesterners had more sence then the cdc to stock up on masks and purell, we need to let bad business die

by Anonymous 4 years ago

So instead of honest business they make up facts like masks dont work, i wonder how many lives that cost

by Anonymous 4 years ago

You didn't even read the article did you...........................................

by Anonymous 4 years ago

What article...i took it to mean that the capitalist cant even play the game fair so as to why they have the money

by Anonymous 4 years ago

Im anti union , anti big business

by Anonymous 4 years ago

Your first answer up top does not convey that.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

I hope to make you understand my view..just ask

by Anonymous 4 years ago

You're right. People are so braindead to this sort of thing.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

just as some are brain dead to the fact the lock down was NEVER to save lives, and to the fact it has CLAIMED more lives then it has saved

by Anonymous 4 years ago

off topic yet again. focus fool.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

communism always fails. only braindead people think communism is good. work for your wealth or stop bitching

by Anonymous 4 years ago

so the system now is fucking most people that work hard while the big cats get most of the bailout.

by Anonymous 4 years ago

It all fucked because communism run by an unkillable terminator cyborg will work

by Anonymous 4 years ago


by Anonymous 4 years ago

I know nothing

by Anonymous 4 years ago


by Anonymous 4 years ago


by Anonymous 4 years ago


by Anonymous 4 years ago


by Anonymous 4 years ago

Im dyslexic

by Anonymous 4 years ago

When is a colen acolen

by Anonymous 4 years ago

this post had nothin to do with masks or covid or communism but toounknown and anonymouse go off topic as usual. why?

by Anonymous 4 years ago

toounknown do you drink?

by Anonymous 4 years ago