+73 Even when you do everything right there is still 50 % chance that you'll utterly fail. And just as many people find it depressing, many people find it motivating. amirite?

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Its winner takes all ... The curve is set by the number of participants... Winning is the worst motivater

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Roll a die; if you need a 2 or higher to succeed, then you have a 1/6 or about 16% chance that you'll utterly fail. Just because you have a binary scenario of either "success" or "failure" doesnt mean the odds are evenly distributed.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

There's a 50% chance I'll find a duffel bag with $3926196382 in it today, don't spoil my dreams and hopes

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Unless you know for sure that its on one of two places and you can only check one of them, its much less than 50%>

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Just like glass is half empty or half full

by Anonymous 3 years ago

It depends on the action. If you fill it to half, then it's half full. If you drink half of the full glass, it is half empty

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Well to empty the glass you must fill it first sooo

by Anonymous 3 years ago

There is very rarely exactly a 50% chance a person can fail. And even if there is, there are always actions you can take to reduce that chance.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Think mine's calibrated a lot worse than that... Think it's closer to 90%, unless the later half of my life is going to go VERY well :P

by Anonymous 3 years ago