+54 Most young people are treated as if they were children, while they are expected to behave as adults, amirite?

by Anonymous 3 years ago

The worst thing a child can do is prove their parents right

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Murder is a close second though

by Anonymous 3 years ago

My parents still think of me as a recluse spineless socially inept home monkey, despite all the evidence saying otherwise.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Basically high expectations and low consequences. You expect them to be on their best behavior and let them live up to that expectation as much as they can. You treat them like children so that if they don't live up there's no consequences. Sounds legit to me

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Young people are treated like children because they most likely (not all the time) have less accumulated knowledge than someone who has been doing something longer. So even if they behave like an adult, they still have stuff to learn. When you act like you know everything already you are definitely going to be treated like a child.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Growing up is realising nobody grows up and we're all winging it.

by Anonymous 3 years ago


by Anonymous 3 years ago

I swear

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Really just either something to brag about , take out any frustration on by beating , and discard when done

by Anonymous 3 years ago

If you feel bad for being treated like a child then you are still one.

by Anonymous 3 years ago