You never truly realize how dirty your house is until you have people over. amirite?
by Anonymous4 years ago
That's why I keep a clean house
by Anonymous4 years ago
My apartment gets cleaned by someone weekly. Whether i ask for it or not.
by Anonymous4 years ago
Are you paying for it?
by Anonymous4 years ago
No, it's more of a charity type thing. A very good friend of mine she will come over and just keep it keep it tidy because I am the exact opposite OCD. I will let stuff accumulate on the tables etc. to the point where then it gets too overwhelming and I start the depression. She has her own key to my place and I am very rarely here when it happens. Sometimes even come home to something cooking in a crockpot and a six pack of beer in the fridge. I've often offered to give her some money but she refuses to take it she says she's just trying to keep me mentally stable
by Anonymous4 years ago
She sounds like an incredible human. But also you're obviously worth it, otherwise she wouldn't be doing it. I'm glad you have support. Depression is very dangerous and having someone to take care of you makes a huge difference. I have bipolar disorder and I don't have any highs because of medication but I do get bad depression. I totally get the clutter build up too. Makes me feel like my whole world is out of control and that I'm powerless to do anything about it.
by Anonymous4 years ago
Whenever I'm at someone's house and they apologize for their mess I take it personally. If they think this is a mess they would be disgusted by my house.
by Anonymous4 years ago
It's purely a psychological thing. You're much more self-conscious about things that are dusty or out of place in your own house/apartment than what you would notice anywhere else.
by Anonymous4 years ago
Having people over haha how last decade. 😐
by Anonymous4 years ago
That's why I try to have people over several times a month (well, pre-Covid). It helps me stay motivated to keep a clean house.
by Anonymous 4 years ago
by Anonymous 4 years ago
by Anonymous 4 years ago
by Anonymous 4 years ago
by Anonymous 4 years ago
by Anonymous 4 years ago
by Anonymous 4 years ago
by Anonymous 4 years ago
by Anonymous 4 years ago