+45 If poke ball's aren't reusable, just imagine how many poke ball's are littering and polluting the poke world from failed catches. amirite?

by Anonymous 3 years ago

I can see three possible things how the real world would deal with it. 1: the boomer. Leave it there and destroy the environment, then blame younger people for it 2: company campaign. Reward people for bringing broken shells and recycle them 3: scientist developers. Make pokeballs sturdier so they can be attempted with several times unless the monster is buff

by Anonymous 3 years ago

4: Scientist Developers part two: Make the poke balls biodegradable, starting from the inside so that successful attempts don't rot.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Finding poke shells on the beach or a beaten track, and turning them into jewelry or ugly DIY projects by cat (meowth) ladies and hippies lol. So many options

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Good thing it's not real or that could be a problem

by Anonymous 3 years ago

What's funny is that the pokemon can slap the ball away and it's still usable, but they snap it in half if they're trapped but escape.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Wish the ones that got slapped away were reuse-able in the games. And yeah I imagine that's how it works. What ever energy was used to catch them or attempt to catch them could have been a one time charge, that could be another reason.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Does any of the series explain the way pokeballs function?

by Anonymous 3 years ago