+33 Barn Owls were probably thrilled when we finally invented barns. amirite?

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Before that, they were just known as "owls."

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Guy naming owls: thats a barn owl! Dude with him: wtf is a barn?

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Guy 1: "Google it"

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Guy 2: wtf is Google?!?!?!

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Maybe barns got their name from the owls?

by Anonymous 3 years ago

I wonder what the story is with "swallow"

by Anonymous 3 years ago

oh dear

by Anonymous 3 years ago

I like this idea

by Anonymous 3 years ago

I see the other people on here disagreeing. But you are right. They are thrilled. That's why they rather build nests there than anywhere else. A lot of animals that already existed in nature thrive way better in cities. -cokroaches -pidgeons -rats Etc.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

There was this overweight raccoon living her best life that used to waddle up my fire escape for scraps whenever I bbq'd out there. She'd sit down on her rump and take the shape of a beanbag chair while eating what ever was on the grill. She especially loved roasted peppers. :)

by Anonymous 3 years ago

You mean a common porch raccoon?

by Anonymous 3 years ago

I've seen fat squirrels living next to picnic areas in parks.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Chicken of the tree!

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Etc.= Me, I am such creatures

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Pigeons were domesticated from wild doves, so it's a stretch to say they existed in nature before humans built cities.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

I was depressed to learn that after the nuclear bombs fall the cockroaches will be mostly dead in a year cause they can't survive the winter with our indoor heating.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

I don't think the owls gave a hoot

by Anonymous 3 years ago


by Anonymous 3 years ago


by Anonymous 3 years ago

Oh man! Those lil guys were all abuzz!!

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Does that make Raid a buzzkill?

by Anonymous 3 years ago

At least until the barn swallows came along and started swallowing them.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Well we had to, their names weren't making sense for a while there

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Yeah, where else were we gonna put all those owls?

by Anonymous 3 years ago


by Anonymous 3 years ago

...... That's not how that works... But whatever...

by Anonymous 3 years ago

I'm pretty sure that's exactly how it works.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

No dude. Name describes the bird, not the other way around. The barn own was called a moon-face owl before there were barns.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

So the owls lived on the moon before we made barns? I don't think that makes much sense bro, but you probably know more about owls than I do so I'll believe you.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

.... I'm going to assume you were trying to make a dry joke. The owl was called "moon-faced" because it's face looks like the moon. I didn't name them, so I have no control over why they're named that way.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Anyway, 10:30, the other night, I go out in my yard, and there's the Wurster kid, looking up in the tree. I say, "What are you looking for?" He says "I'm looking for my burrow owl." I say, "Jumping Jesus on a Pogo Stick. Everybody knows, the burrow owl lives. In a hole. In the ground. Why the hell do you think they call it a burrow owl, anyway?" But you know what, Flyaway_Prizm? I like you. You're not like the other people here in this trailer park.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Forget the name. This specific species of owl that likes to nest in barns was clearly thrilled with this invention.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Lol typical, not understanding how barn owls work, I was personally there and I know they where absolutely thrilled when barns where invented

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Which csme first, the owl or the barn?

by Anonymous 3 years ago

The barn cat.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Woo hoo!

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Good things come to those whoooo wait.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Same thing for trouser snakes.

by Anonymous 3 years ago