Technically sign language is the first language. amirite?
by Anonymous3 years ago
Isn't that like saying "spoken language" is the first language?
by Anonymous3 years ago
by Anonymous3 years ago
I mean, you kind of make it sound like 'sign language' is an actual language you can learn?
by Anonymous3 years ago
Technically no.
by Anonymous3 years ago
K. What is technically the first language?
by Anonymous3 years ago
Sumerian is the first written language. However, since people could have used sounds to communicate before we could even consider it a language, there's no way to measure what the first REAL language is.
by Anonymous 3 years ago
by Anonymous 3 years ago
by Anonymous 3 years ago
by Anonymous 3 years ago
by Anonymous 3 years ago
by Anonymous 3 years ago