+87 Being realistic is considered a virtue everywhere, except in corporate offices where it is often equated to being pessimistic. amirite?

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Realistic and corporate are antonyms.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Honestly this is what got me down about management work. you could actually see them looking at you grinning at you just waiting for you to lie to them and tell them things are 'really gonna drive sales' etc. Makes me wanna puke.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

A lot of people who say they're "just being realistic" are short sighted and don't have ambition. "Realistic" in this sense and pessimistic are often the same thing when it comes to projects.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

I'm a realist. I kept telling management the product they were pushing was not going to sell in my territory Sure enough, they kept pushing what was selling in a territory a thousand miles away, and I'd be proved right. What works in one part of the country doesn't necessarily work in others. They just never seemed to learn that. I wasn't pessimistic - I just knew what worked in my area.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Being realistic is not considered a virtue in certain quarters of government either.   [IMAGE:112951]

by Anonymous 3 years ago

y y y

by Anonymous 3 years ago