+93 The Tooth Fairy favours the kids with rich parents. amirite?

by Anonymous 3 years ago

So does Santa

by Anonymous 3 years ago

**santa, so does.** *-Zodima* *** ^(Commands: 'opt out', 'delete')

by Anonymous 3 years ago

You mean she doesn't come in the night with pliers to every home?

by Anonymous 3 years ago

That tooth fairy is a capitalist elitist

by Anonymous 3 years ago

This is a thread where the OP doesn't even come back to reply to the comments. Where is Thinkerbell now?

by Anonymous 3 years ago

If what the post says is true, that means the kids of Washington politicians are favored by the tooth fairy.  Those pols are all multi-millionaires, or soon will be.   I'll speak sternly to the tooth fairy about her alleged favoritism.   [IMAGE:112956]

by Anonymous 3 years ago

I think this might be what you call, spamming. :) So Washington politicians are rich?- interesting.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

I suggest you educate yourself, if you think they aren't rich.   biggrin hehe maniac   https://ballotpedia.org/Net_worth_of_United_States_Senators_and_Representatives

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Thinker, they are not rich. People give up a lot in salary when they go from the private sector to the public one.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Read the link I gave you above.  ono   And the salary is the //least//  of the of the ways politicians make money.  biggrin

by Anonymous 3 years ago

I am not sure what they are basing their data on. How are they coming up with those numbers for each individual Senator? Are they based on investment returns, property, other assets, etc....?

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Yet again, Dru, you haven't bothered to READ.   ono   It says plainly in the link:   "They obtained the data from personal financial disclosure data that each senator and representative is required to provide for public record. The Center for Responsive Politics, the organization that runs OpenSecrets.org, calculated each net worth by adding all disclosed assets (corporate bonds, stocks, etc.) and subtracted major liabilities (loans, credit card debt, etc.)."   And this data is based on assets the politicians //publicly admit to having.// Do you think the pols list assets they may have in Swiss or Cayman Island bank accounts?  If so, I'll tell the Tooth Fairy you believe in her.   hehe biggrin hehe

by Anonymous 3 years ago

So what? These people invested and own things that have made their net-worth more than if they just collected a salary. Isn't that what Capitalism supposedly is all about? And isn't Capitalism what you strongly believe in?

by Anonymous 3 years ago

LOL, first you claimed they aren't wealthy, and now that you've been proved wrong (as usual), you say "so what?"  biggrin hehe maniac   Well, I'll tell you so what:   Capitalism is fine as long as it is based on fair, free-market dealings.  It is NOT fine when it devolves into monopoly capitalism (you know, like those billionaire backers of Democrats that the millionaire Bernie Sanders pretends to hate) and INSIDER TRADING, against which there are laws applicable to most people, but NOT to politicians (surprise, surprise!).   THAT, Dru, is one way politicians make their money (besides peddling influence directly, or through family members, of course).  They trade stocks on the basis of PRIOR INSIDE KNOWLEDGE of the laws they are going to pass that will affect the prices of the stocks.   https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/it-illegal-lawmakers-trade-stocks-insider-info-they-learn-job-n1165156   Try using your head once in a while.   biggrin

by Anonymous 3 years ago

That's right, Thinker, people who elect to go into public service don't expect to get rich. I think Martha Steward had the same problem once and hasn't she always been considered a private citizen? I love the way this became a Democrat issue. Uh, correct me if I am wrong but aren't Senator Burr, Loeffler and Inhofe Republicans? But according to you, their legal and reputation embarrassments were brought on by Bernie? And to think, Obama, tried to stop all of this nonsense in 12.

by Anonymous 3 years ago