+82 We can go to school to learn how to be anything we want, except ourselves. amirite?

by Anonymous 3 years ago

so true

by Anonymous 3 years ago

It's quite ironic, the more I think about it.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

It's by design. You can't be a cog in the wheel if you're too autonomous. Hello little child, would you like some debt? Buy a house, go to college, work work work. Give me all your money

by Anonymous 3 years ago

That's what I'm wondering - whether it's something we're taught, or if it's just part of the human condition. Not sure how it could be proven one way or the other.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Good for you! For having these very important/ lifer changing questions. Don't fall into the trap. It's all a trap

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Nah, someone told me Hogwarts isn't real.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Yes because the ladder cannot be taught

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Ya, it really can't. Which is amazing, when you consider everything else humankind has been able to accomplish. We can put a man on the moon, but we have no idea how to teach him to be himself.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Could you imagine if we somehow managed to institutionalize this area though? It would be kind of terrifying if you think about it.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

It wouldn't surprise me to eventually see it being done, with how crazy things are anymore, but ya, that would be scary.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

That's why you take fine arts and humanities

by Anonymous 3 years ago

There's still a large difference between learning about yourself, versus learning how to be yourself.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Well yeah. The entire point of school is to turn you into a functional member of society

by Anonymous 3 years ago