+83 It will be more beneficial to teach the alphabet in QWERTY order to kids, amirite?

by Anonymous 3 years ago

But then the letters wouldn't match the song. Now I know my QWE's??? Would never work.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Why keep the old song?

by Anonymous 3 years ago

That's because you're u sed to ABC being first, but what if they weren't?

by Anonymous 3 years ago

They teach the alphabet in order of importance. S first, then A, then T etc. With these letters you can already make a word

by Anonymous 3 years ago

no it wouldn't….

by Anonymous 3 years ago


by Anonymous 3 years ago

Why do you think that? There are dozens of keyboard layouts and many languages, even Latin based ones have more characters than the 26 a qwert would refer to. Hell, Danish has like 4 o's... For a start.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Then other languages should have their own order

by Anonymous 3 years ago

The order in which we learn the alphabet is really only a way to make sure we know all the letters. The pattern of having them all laid out helps creates a way to memorize all the letters and not forget any. But the concept of having to have all the letters in a specific order has nothing to do with the letters themselves. Letters aren't like numbers in that numbers actually HAVE to be in a specific order to be sequential. But letters could be taught or learned in literally any order and it wouldn't make a bit of difference.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

It would make a difference in the way that learning to type could be easier. The keyboard is the only place I can think of where the order matters.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

This is true, however there are other types of keyboards that don't put the letters in the traditional keyboard order. There are some that are actually in alphabetical order. There are some that are completely different. So depending on which keyboard you're using would determine the order you learned the letters to be able to type.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Have you never been to a library or any other place where things are in alphabetical order? Hell, they even use A-Z for the contacts in your phone. Learning how to type is much much easier than trying to put the letters in a different order.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

I know as a child, I was confused looking for the letters on the keyboard as they were not in alphabetical order. And the order of the alphabet is NOT just to learn all the letters. In this age of technology, people have forgotten how to use glossaries and dictionaries all ready, it appears 😂😂

by Anonymous 3 years ago

You know, that's actually an interesting concept 🤔

by Anonymous 3 years ago

I dont think so because they serve different purposes. Its not useful to be able to say qwerty, as you already end up memorizing by muscle memory the locations on a keyboard. Anybody who can type well never conscientiously thinks about where keys are they just do it. Being able to speak the letters of the alphabet is entirely different.

by Anonymous 3 years ago