+103 Domino's could put literally anything in their pizzas and we wouldn't notice the difference, amirite?

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Depends what you mean by "anything" I think I'd notice if they put chunks of metal in my pizza. Unless you mean it always tastes bad no matter what.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

I'd notice pineapple

by Anonymous 3 years ago

*Spits Stielhandgranate* What do you mean? I totally would notice a pinapple in my pizza!

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Maybe some 10W40 motor oil might make it taste better but it would look about the same.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Domino's is the worst pizza I ever had. All you can taste is salt, and then you're hungry again in an hour. Pure junk.

by Anonymous 3 years ago