+113 If ghosts really exist and can kill you, the first few seconds after they do will be really awkward for all involved. amirite?

by Anonymous 3 years ago

I just always think if ghosts really existed why would they spend all their time opening all your kitchen drawers or turning lights on/off …

by Anonymous 3 years ago

For the lolz

by Anonymous 3 years ago

The first 100 years or so you may find yourself having better things to squander your time on... afterwards it devolves into this, for all eternity.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Like watching your loved ones get old and then die so you can talk to them about all the cool ghost stuff that you did and teach them how to be a cool Ghost too and then when your loved ones children eventually dies you teach them the cool ghost stuff and it keeps going

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Using that logic if a ghost kills you then it probably really likes you and wants to spend more time with you. In other words, to avoid being killed by ghosts be as abnoxious and annoying as possible and they won't want you stuck with them for eternity.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

I hope this holds up in court

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Homicidal ghost to the recently deceased: "You're dead suckaaaaaa!!! Haha, you just got ghosted!" The ghost then throws up the deuces as he dips out.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

"I'mma tell Lucy about this!"

by Anonymous 3 years ago

But if you then kill the ghost, will it turn into a zombie?

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Number of people admitted to ER due ghost attack every year is and has been always 0.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

That's because they kill them, not injure them ;)

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Unless it's a ghost rapist and he just wanted that flesh off of you before he had his way

by Anonymous 3 years ago