+47 During the course of our evolution there must have been the first ever fart that someone found amusing, amirite?

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Don't forget about drawing dicks.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

And DAP! Boy this is escalating quickly.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

We should have evolved as birds

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Then there must have been a first time ever when it was specifically used for comedic purpose. I'm gonna bet it was farting on a friend's head.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Probably in a small cave while a thunderstorm raged outside

by Anonymous 3 years ago

It was probably a Dutch oven.

by Anonymous 3 years ago

**probably a dutch oven, it was.** *-deserved_unobserved* *** ^(Commands: 'opt out', 'delete')

by Anonymous 3 years ago

Probably a bunch of guys while drinking the first beer or whatever.

by Anonymous 3 years ago